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To send light into the darkness of men's hearts- such is the duty of the artist.

Robert Schumann

“... a dashing account of Schumann’s Piano Concerto, with Giulia Contaldo as the last-minute replacement soloist."

The Guardian


Giulia Contaldo came to international attention when she stepped in for Elisso Virsaladze to play Schumann’s Piano Concerto with the BBC Philharmonic conducted by Omer Meir Wellbar at the Bridgewater Hall (Manchester) live broadcasted by BBC Radio3. 

Giulia has received numerous prizes, including top first prizes at the 28th J.S. Bach Italian National Competition, the 15th International Maria Giubilei Piano Competition, prizes at the International Competition Prémio Internacional de Piano Figueira da Foz (Coimbra), 32nd Concours Européen de Musique de Chambre organized by FNAPEC (Paris), Massarosa International Piano Competition, Third Prize and Audience Prize at the James Mottram International Piano Competition, Second prize and Classical Sonata Special Award at the Verona International Piano Competition in 2022. She won the Concerto Competition, the Piano Duo Prize and was awarded the prestigious Gold Medal at Royal Northern College of Music (UK). Giulia was also one of the pianists chosen to participate in the highly selective first round of the Leeds International Piano Competition in April 2021.

As a soloist, Giulia has performed with leading orchestras such as the BBC Philharmonic, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Manchester Camerata, Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra, Stockport Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra dell'Arena di Verona, RNCM Symphony Orchestra, Young Musicians European Orchestra, Giovane Orchestra di Abruzzo, Orchestra del Carmine di Firenze. She has performed throughout Italy, Europe, UK and USA for many festivals including Amici della Musica di Padova, Amici della Musica di Modena, Teatro Verdi (Firenze), Teatro della Pergola (Firenze), Festival dei Due Mondi (Spoleto), Festival delle Nazioni (Città di Castello), Festival Internazionale di Musica da Camera (Asolo), Emilia Romagna Festival, Oratorio del Gonfalone (Roma), Sale Apollinee (Teatro la Fenice), Lucca (Musica a Palazzo Pfanner), Bridgewater Hall (Manchester), Wigmore Hall (London), Steinway Hall (London), Musica Insieme (Bologna), Teatro Alighieri (Ravenna), Teatro Filarmonico (Verona) etc. She has collaborated with musicians such as world-renowned violist Bruno Giuranna and cellist Mario Brunello. 

Born on the outskirts of Florence, Italy, Giulia began her piano studies at the age of 5. She completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees with highest honors and special mention in piano performance, studying with Giovanna Prestia at Cherubini Conservatory Florence, Italy, whilst also studying at Imola International Piano Academy with Jin Ju since 2012, where she completed her artist diploma in 2019.  Giulia continued her studies while supported by the Helen Mackaness Trust for the Advanced Postgraduate Diploma degree in Piano at Royal Northern College of Music with Graham Scott and Dina Parakhina, graduating with distinction; Giulia was then accepted into the highly selective International Artist program. Additionally, she earned a Klavierkammermusik postgraduate diploma at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, studying with J. Meissl, P. Schuhmayer (Artis Quartet), and S. Mendl (Wiener Klavier Trio).


In 2011 she was awarded a scholarship to Young Artists Piano Program-BU Tanglewood with Boaz Sharon. Participation in masterclasses include studies under: Aquiles della Vigne (Mozarteum), Boris Berman, B.Canino, S. Fiuzzi, B. Lupo, Lilya Zilberstein (Acc.Chigiana), A. Lucchesini, A. Kobrin. Since fall 2022, Giulia continues her studies with Ricardo Castro at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Geneve. She is supported by the Keyboard Charitable Trust (UK), Fondazione Cecilia Giraldi (Torino) and she is a scholar of the Imogen Cooper Music Trust (UK).

A dedicated teacher, Giulia is a piano professor at the Conservatorio A. Scontrino in Trapani, Sicily. Ms. Contaldo has pursued an active and varied performing career, mixing creative programming and interpretive insight with philanthropic initiatives.







Italian and American pianist Giulia Contaldo came to international attention when she stepped in for Eliso Virsaladze to play Schumann’s Piano Concerto with the BBC Philharmonic conducted by Omer Meir Wellbar at the Bridgewater Hall (Manchester) live broadcasted by BBC Radio 3.

Ms. Contaldo has won prizes at several major international competitions, including the James Mottram International Competition, Verona International Competition, Massarosa International Competition. She has also won the Piano Duo Prize, Gold Medal and Concerto Competition of the RNCM.

Concerto engagements have included solo performances with the BBC Phillharmonic, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Manchester Camerata, Nottingham Philharmonic Orchestra, Stockport Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra dell'Arena di Verona, RNCM Symphony Orchestra, Young Musicians European Orchestra, Giovane Orchestra di Abruzzo, Orchestra del Carmine di Firenze.

Giulia completed her Bachelor's and Master's degrees with highest honors and special mention in piano under G. Prestia at Florence' s “Luigi Cherubini” Conservatory. whilst also studying at Imola International Piano Academy with Jin Ju where she completed her final Artist Diploma. She also studied on a full scholarship on the Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Piano Performance at the Royal Northern College of Music with G. Scott and D. Parakhina, graduating with distinction; she later studied on the highly selective International Artist Diploma Course of the RNCM. She is currently continuing her studies with Ricardo Castro at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Geneve.

She is supported by the Keyboard Charitable Trust (UK), Fondazione Cecilia Giraldi (Torino) and she is a scholar of the Imogen Cooper Music Trust (UK).

A dedicated teacher, Giulia teaches at the State Conservatory of Trapani, Sicily.

The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language...I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child.

Claude Debussy

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